Utterly epic
Comedy: 10
Graphics: 9.5
Utterly epic
Comedy: 10
Graphics: 9.5
Yeah, it was pretty epic wasn't it.
Amazing, just amazing.
I mean, wow!
Also, i highly recommend searching for the easter egg.
A very educational flash indeed, no longer will i be confused of which pokeball to use.
Thank you Gutter Dog, thank you.
I'm glad this helped you fine sir. Gutter Dogs rule the night, as we all know.
Rather nice indeed
Nice clean graphics with nice clean cock jokes...Wait what? You take a beloved newgrounds animation sprinkle in some dicks and you've got a high grade animation. Lol very enjoyable. Waiting for the Virgina attack sequel.
Hmm, a sequel ey? Err... nah.
Thanks for commenting on the graphics, usually everyone's just shocked by the penises.
A good all rounder.
The artwork was nice. the animation smooth and the voice acting superb. You really hit the nail on the head with this one. What can i say? I short but witty plot, and it was cleverly linked together.
Well done man. I really liked this, i think everyone else will too.
Oh and well done for teaching people to value their fans, a little lesson i think a lot of people have got to learn.
Appreciate it appreciate it. Yeah if anything I hope people who are just starting out with flash know it's gonna be a bumpy road. I'm not even talking about the past year for me. I have games and cartoons on this website dating back to October of 2001, some even in some collections. The thing is NONE of them went anywhere. There was a game I spent half a year on that had maybe like 20 people play it. So I know what I'm talking about when I say ya gotta pay your dues, which believe me I still am.
Much respect to anybody that is motivated by it. You're gonna turn around and motivate me one day when I see your submission on the front page.
lol sore loser.
I am totally getting in on this action!
Oh, my....
I lol'd so hard i think i pooped a little.
You awesome cog face
That was so awesome i just had to start poundin my cog.
hmmm; so, so
i would have to say that i found the animation, in between. the artstyle was good and so were the gore effects, to was just too...."tweeny" everyhting was slowly and frustratingly tweened! i could tell you put a lot of effort into this and you made good use of the tween in some occasions.
keep trying though, because i can see you have talent.
Thanks for the advice
great flash, bad clocks.
this was well done flash it's just a shame it had to be about clocks.
Fuck you man, there is nothing wrong with clocks.
Don't belittle this animation just because it features clocks.
nice one
yh it's sik itt musta taken time 2 draw all tha 3d stuf i rekon u mite get frnt page wid dis.
or get a sik score.
wll dne
Thanks mate
Age 93, Female
Joined on 4/19/07